Our today’s Crochet market bag free pattern was created by Motif Hobi Atölyesi crochet and i will give you the instructions in English (US) so you can easily make it.
You will also find the original video, for visual learners that will help you also while creating this cute bag.
This pattern is written with US terms .
Material :
- Medium to light weight yarn in your favourite colour ( Alize cotton gold in light blue, white, yellow)
- Corresponding Crochet hook (3.5 mm)
In this pattern we will start with the yellow yarn in the middle of our daisy as shown in the picture :
Crochet market bag free pattern
Yellow :
- Start with a Magic ring (or chain 4 then put the crochet in the very first st, sl st)
- In the center of the ring oull up a loop then chain 2.
- 12 dc , slt st with the first ch.
- Chain 1, fasten off
White :
- insert the white yarn in the gap between the last and the first st of the yellow circle.
- Chain 3, 1 Treble crochet in the same space.
- 2 trble crochet in each of the next sts, 3 times ( 5 treble crochet + 4 ch)
- Insert your hook in the top of the first st ( the 4 chains of the beginning),
- from the back, insert the hook in the top of the last treble crochet, yarn over and pull up a loop, ch 3. = [ 1 petale ]
- 5 trble crochet in the next st, insert the hook in the first treble crochet of the petale, then in the 5th from the back, ch 3.
- Repeat in each of the next sts, then sl st with the first st .
- ch 1, fasten off
Blue :
- First row : We will work in the chain 3 gaps, attach the yarn in the first gap.
- we will start with the first corner :
- Corner : ch 4, 3 treble crochet, ch 2, 3 treble crochet
- ch 2, 3 treble crochet( in the same space) , ch 2 , 3 treble crochet ( in the same space)
- Repeat Corner .
- ch 2, 3 treble crochet( in the same space) , ch 2 , 3 treble crochet ( in the same space)
- Repeat Corner
- ch 2, 3 treble crochet( in the same space) , ch 2 , 3 treble crochet ( in the same space)
- sl st in the first st of the first corner
- Second row :
- Chain 3,
- A : 3 double crochet in the gap of the first corner, ch 2 , 3 double crochet,
- B : ch 2, double crochet in each of the next 13 sts
- repeat the steps A and B to complete the square.
here is the Original video for my visual learners 😀
Crochet 15 granny squares in total. You can block the squares to give them defined edges and to smooth out the stitches.
Edging :
With the bag facing you so that the dip of the V is in the middle, rejoin the yarn in the top right corner of the bag (the chain 2 gap of the corner of the granny square). To rejoin the yarn, make a slip knot, insert the crochet hook into the indicated space, add the slip knot and pull through.
Row 1: Chain 3 (counts as 1 hdc and chain 1), skip 1, hdc 1. Chain 1, sk 1, hdc 1, rep around until you have reached the bottom V (end off with a ch 1, sk 1 before working the hdc dec). Work a hdc dec across the chain 2 gaps of the granny square corners in the dip of the V. Continue working chain 1, sk 1, hdc 1 around until you have reached the second bottom V on the other side of the bag. Once again, work a hdc dec across the chain 2 gaps of the granny square corners. Continue chain 1, sk 1, hdc 1 until you have reached the end of the round. At the end, you will chain 1, skip 1 and work a slip stitch in the 2nd chain of the initial chain 3 to close up the round. Do not fasten off.
Strap :
Chain 110 (Adjust this length depending on how long you want your strap to be, especially if you plan on wearing this bag cross-body. Keep this initial chain length an even number).
With the WRONG side of the bag facing you, slip stitch to other top corner of bag (indicated by green stitch marker). Slip stitch 1 in stitch beside on the left to help anchor the strap in place (as indicated by the peach stitch marker). It is very important that these two slip stitches are worked on the wrong side of the bag, otherwise the strap will be twisted.
Row 1: Chain 1, turn. Begin crocheting back down the chain length (the strap) using the front and back loops of the chain stitches (leave the back bumps for later on in the pattern). Work 1 hdc in second chain of strap.
*Ch 1, sk 1, hdc 1*, across the chains. Slip stitch in adjacent stitch to tip of granny square, do not cut the yarn
Building Up the Top Edging & Strap
{This section is worked on only one side of the bag and one side of the strap. The yarn is then cut, rejoined and repeated on the other side.}
Switch to 2.75 mm hook,
Round 1: Chain 1, continue working single crochets down the top edging and strap of the bag (you should be working in a clockwise direction). When approaching the dip of the V: locate the 5 middle stitches (including half double crochets and chain gaps) and work the following pattern across these 5 middle stitches: *Skip 1, Inv sc dec over 3 middle stitches, skip 1*. Continue working single crochets around and along the strap. Slip stitch to chain 1 to finish off the round.
Round 2: Work slip stitches around top edging and strap for added strength. When approaching the 3 middle stitches of the dip of the V, work an invisible slip stitch decrease. Continue working slip stitches around and along the strap. Slip stitch to first st, fasten off and weave in end.
Next, we will repeat what we just did to build up the top edging and strap on the OTHER side of the bag.
Flip the bag over and rejoin the yarn at the top right corner of the bag. Repeat Rounds 1 and 2 above for the “Building up the Top Edging & Strap” instructions. When crocheting along the bottom of the strap for Round 1, work the single crochets through the back bumps.
Note: If you want to try adding button closure to your bag, you could sew a button to one side in the dip of the V. On the other side, you could make a loop with chain stitches in the dip of the V during Round 2 after working the invisible slip stitch decrease and then finish up the round (e.g. inv sl st dec, chain 5, continue sl st around).
Your final strap is comprised of a middle section of half double crochet stitches interspersed with chain 1’s ; this middle section has single crochet stitches on either side, and then slip stitches on each end .
The style :
You can choose between the :
Many other crochet market bag free patterns are available on : https://sarahmaker.com/crochet-bag-patterns/
If you want other crochet bag free patterns than the market bag, check this free pattern on my blog here on this link :
I hope you enjoyed making this crochet market bag free pattern , see you soon in other free patterns.